01304 273908
 07952 514003

Sam (Petts Wood)

Learning with Simon was enjoyable and fun with safety always at the forefront of the learning process Gravy Driving School were flexible when booking appointments never messing me around and I would recommend them to anyone
Learning with Simon was enjoyable and fun, with safety always at the forefront of the learning process. Gravy Driving School were flexible when booking appointments, never messing me around, and I would recommend them to anyone.

I´m very pleased to have passed my test with only 2 faults. I thought the progress card helped me understand the areas where I needed more practice, it obviously worked. Simon is a really good g ...

Alicia (Bexleyheath)
I learnt to drive in all weather conditions (snow, heavy rain and bright sunshine) and was made to feel confident enough when doing so, even though I was very nervous about the snow and ice! After lea ...
Alicia (Bexleyheath)