01304 273908
 07952 514003

Morna (Sidcup)

Learning with Gravy Driving School was straightforward yet enjoyable Simon ensured the lessons were concise and easy to understand and I never felt rushed All aspects of driving were covered and I was pleased to pass with only four minor driving faults
Learning with Gravy Driving School was straightforward, yet enjoyable. Simon ensured the lessons were concise and easy to understand, and I never felt rushed. All aspects of driving were covered and I was pleased to pass with only four minor driving faults.

Lily (Sidcup)
Simon made me feel very comfortable and my nerves disappeared when I was in his car. I am very pleased to have passed first time with just one minor fault - I wouldn´t have passed with anyone el ...
Lily (Sidcup)

Ricky (Dartford)
I am very pleased to have passed with only 2 minor driving faults. The style of instruction was very clear and this boosted my confidence. I looked forward to my lesson each week because I knew I was ...
Ricky (Dartford)